Get Over the Fear of Asking For Referrals
Salespeople don’t ask for referrals consistently. They feel as if referrals are an imposition. Your sales reps lack a simple way to ask for referrals that feels comfortable to them and their clients.
Referrals from your top clients and alliance partners are golden leads. Well qualified. Endorsed. Ready to talk. But if your sales team isn’t asking, you’re missing out on one of your best lead sources.
How To Get More Referrals: Unleash Your Referral Stream master class teaches you how to ask for referrals consistently and with confidence to fill your pipeline.
A Referral Gathering Approach That Works for You
1. Get More Referrals
When you know how to ask for referrals, you get more referrals. We teach you exactly what to say and when to say it. We also teach you how to handle the dreaded “I don’t know anybody” response.
2. Develop a Referral Gathering Process
Knowing how to ask for referrals is the first step. The second step is building it into your sales and account management process. You’ll identify the key points in your process to ask for a referral so the training isn’t forgotten.
3. Get Consistent Referrals
Knowing the right situations to ask for referrals gives you the confidence to ask. You’ll learn how frequently you can ask and when you should – or shouldn’t – ask. Now you can ask comfortably.
4. Increase Your Pipeline
Consistency leads to better results. Measuring activities leads to consistency. You’ll learn what metrics to measure to drive a consistent referral stream and set them up. Metrics help you unleash your referral stream.
Asking For Referrals Can Be Natural
Referrals should make up 20% of your lead source, and they aren’t limited to your sales team. Anyone who has built a customer relationship can ask for referrals.
Asking for referrals is a skill that can be learned from sales to technicians. It is not an art. It’s a business process you can implement.
We’ve trained salespeople, account managers, engineers, technicians, customer service reps, and executives on how to ask for referrals – comfortably and confidently. You can develop a consistent referral stream and get business through referrals.
Talk With An ExpertLearn Asking For Referrals in 2 Weeks
With How To Get More Referrals Class
In this 2-week, expert-led, interactive virtual sales training course, How To Get More Referrals: Unleash Your Referral Stream, you will …
- Master what to say to get referrals from clients, prospects, and alliance partners
- Identify key points in a relationship to ask for referrals
- Learn the response to “I don’t know anyone”
- Uncover the information you need to set the first appointment
- Establish referral request frequency
- Create a referral gathering process with metrics to monitor
- Get comfortable asking for referrals with clients
This course uses a combination of:
- 2 weekly, 1-hour, sales-expert-led virtual sessions
- Weekly videos
- Referral gathering resources
- In-territory referral gathering
- Manager briefing
Which is the right asking for referrals training approach for you?
Companies we work with may have no dedicated salesperson, one sales rep, or a sales team. We offer How To Get More Referrals in two training formats, giving you the flexibility to match your sales organization structure.
Sales & Account Management Team
If you have a sales and account manager team, you’ll want them to take the asking for referrals training together as a course. They’ll master asking for referrals and build a process with metrics you can implement across the organization.
You may want to include technical staff who also work with clients regularly.
The training is delivered virtually, so no matter where they are located, your staff can participate. Your sales team will develop discipline and confidence to get referrals consistently.
You may have one salesperson or account manager who needs to learn how to ask for referrals, or you may want to do it yourself. We assign you an expert sales coach to guide you one on one to master asking for referrals.
Coaching provides the added flexibility to adjust session topics based on referral situations and roadblocks. You will gain the skills to ask for referrals consistently and confidently, knowing exactly what to say and when to ask.
Here’s what our clients are saying
Asking for Referrals Resources
Your Guide To Create a Successful Referral Program for Your Business
What you need to know to implement a formal referral program
Read about successful referral programsHow To Ask For & Get Referrals the Easy Way Guide
Use this guide to start conversations and get referrals to convert to first appointments
Download the Easy GuideHow To Design a Referral Program That Works
Discover what to pay, who to target, and how to announce it to clients
Watch a referral program design